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Business Marketing Tips - Four Tips to Improve SMO - Search Media Optimization for Business

Four Tips to Improve SMO

(2 min. read)

If you have a website, then you are familiar with the idea of search engine optimization (SEO) to improve results when someone is searching for keywords associated with your brand or product. But what about social media optimization?

Social media optimization (SMO) involves creating content that encourages and entices people to engage with your brand with a focus on attracting web visitors from sources other than search engines. It is about optimizing your social presence using a variety of social media best practices. SMO can improve a brand’s online reputation the way that search engine optimization improves search rankings.

Here are a few tips to increase your SMO.

Align your Profiles
Review your social media channels and perform a general audit. Make sure that each channel matches the next. They should all be using a same or similar username. They should all include a link back to your company website and have a consistent brand coloring and logo. Look through the posts on each platform and ensure that they maintain your brand messaging and are appropriate for the audience you are targeting.

Find your Brand’s Keywords
If you did not generate a list of keywords when you put together your social media strategy, then now would be a great time to create that list. If you did make a list, do an occasional audit to see if you need to add or subtract any keywords. Trends change, algorithms change. Use a search engine to research keywords for your industry or brand. Start to use those words in your content and posts as well as include them in your social bios.

Post Consistently
As you review the posts on your various platforms, take note of content with higher interaction rates or share rates. Make note of the day of the week and time of day the post appeared. That may provide some insight into when you should be dropping your content. Then be consistent with your posting. Your regular followers will be looking for your Thursday morning blog post if you show them they can count on it being there.

Link Social Media to your Website
While it seems like an obvious thing to do, this key tip is sometimes overlooked. Include a link from your company website to every social media platform you use. Make it easy for your audience to find you. In addition, search engines will show that information in search results and that will improve exposure. Consider having a feed from a social media channel into your website. This gives visitors a taste of what they would see should they follow you on that platform. Follow the five solid rules of SMO outlined here: and you will get results.

These are just a few of the things you can do to optimize your social media presence. You can also hire a company to manage this for you. Creating compelling, relevant content that connects your business with existing customers, while driving new customers in the door is incredibly important, but also time-consuming. GLM Custom is here to help.

Creating compelling, relevant content that connects your business with existing customers, while driving new customers in the door is incredibly important, but it’s time-consuming work. We are here to help!

For more than 40 years, GLM has served as an asset and a proven go-to partner. Our hands-on customer care approach and impeccable reputation have allowed us to maintain relationships that span decades.

We deliver social media management packages custom tailored to fit the needs and meet the goals of our clients. Ask us to build a strategy and management plan that’s perfect for your business!

Give us a call today – (844) GLM-2456 or visit us at