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Hamburger Helper - Brand Marketing - Business Marketing Tips

Hamburger Helper: Brand Marketing Spotlight Series

(5 minute read)

Next up in our Brand Marketing Spotlight Series — “the Helping Hand” in American kitchens, Hamburger Helper, now known as Helper.

In this series, GLM will continue to highlight a well-known brand and dive into how they achieved their level of success from a marketing standpoint and offer tips on how to utilize their methodology for your own strategy! Here are three ways to increase your brand awareness, community, and bottom line:

Hamburger Helper was created by General Mills in 1967, which is currently owned by Eagle Foods. It was designed with the intent to provide an easy and affordable way for families to stretch a pound of ground beef into a complete meal.  Hamburger Helper was introduced to the market during a period of rising food costs. The first flavors introduced included Beef Noodle, Rice Oriental, and Hash. It quickly gained popularity as a convenient and cost-effective solution for busy households.

Over the years, the brand expanded its product line to include a wide range of flavors and variations, accommodating different tastes and dietary preferences. They introduced variations for chicken, tuna, and even vegetarian options. The brand has done an excellent job of adapting to changing food trends and consumer preferences, keeping its offerings relevant.

Educational Content

Helper has embraced the culinary creativity of their customers. They’ve encouraged people to think beyond the box by providing recipe ideas that incorporate their products in innovative and tasty ways.

Fans of the brand can simply visit the Helper website and click on the very noticeable recipes page et voilà, pages and pages of inspiration are at your fingertips.

This not only helps customers get more value out of their products but also positions Helper as a brand that understands and caters to the modern foodie.

Whether you own a restaurant, started a haircare line, or run a doggy daycare – understand who your audience is, their needs, questions, and pain points. Educational content should address these issues directly. Similarly, use your analytics to pinpoint not only who your audience is but where they’re connecting with you. Consider what type of content is best suited for your brand and audience. This might include blog posts, videos, webinars, infographics, podcasts, or interactive tools. Your content should be well-researched, accurate, and valuable. Provide insights, tips, or solutions that your audience can’t easily find elsewhere.

User-Generated Content

The brand has successfully encouraged user-generated content through social media and contests including the “Helper’s Cook-Off Challenge” where fans were encouraged to submit their creative recipes for a chance to win gift bags, products, and more. Then there was the “Helper’s Hilarious Memes” campaign that encouraged followers to create funny memes related to cooking, meal prep, or Hamburger Helper itself in exchange for prizes. The list of contests and activations implemented by the brand goes on and on.

This strategy not only promotes engagement but also provides authentic, relatable content that showcases real people using their products in creative ways. It’s a win-win as it strengthens their brand while involving their customer base.

You can inspire user-generated content through a multitude of strategies, including but not limited to hashtag campaigns, contests/giveaways featuring user-generated content already created, engaging with your audience, and partnerships.

Partnerships & Collaborations

The brand has occasionally partnered with other food brands or influencers to create unique recipes or promotions. It goes without saying that this helped the brand tap into new audiences and give customers fresh inspiration.

Some of the more popular collaborations over the years have been with Beyonce, as well as lesser-known influencers to help spread the brand’s mission.

Helper also tapped into its nostalgia factor while tying in the power of social media influence through a dedicated campaign in which influencers shared throwback content and reminisced about their favorite Hamburger Helper meals from the past.

Starting partnerships and collaborations with other brands and influencers can be an effective way for small brands to expand their reach and credibility. A few strategies to get started would be to identify your target brands and influencers, reach out and start building those relationships with a conversation, submit a proposal establishing the scope of the partnership, and take it from there.

All of these tactics are viable for brands of any size. With the right team and strategy, the sky’s the limit!

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