
Tips to use LinkedIn to attract new members to your association

Associations play a vital role in industry growth, advocacy, education, networking, and professional development. However, attracting new members in an increasingly competitive environment can be a challenge. LinkedIn can be used by organizations seeking to expand their reach and grow their membership.  This article explores strategies that can be used by associations to leverage LinkedIn […]

Business Marketing Tips - LinkedIn Vs. Facebook – How, When and Why to Use Them - Association Marketing

(2.5 minute read) LinkedIn and Facebook are both powerful social media platforms with distinct purposes and audiences, making them useful for different aspects of business. Here’s a breakdown of how, when, and why to use each platform for your business: LinkedIn How: When: Why: Facebook How: When: Why: To wrap it up, LinkedIn is more […]

Business Marketing Tips - Instagram Profile - Social Media Marketing Tips - Business Instagram Tips

(5 min. read) SEO. SEO. SEO. Search Engine Optimization plays a huge role in your brand awareness. Now that Instagram has leveled up its SEO game, it’s time to level up your brand’s profile, too. Here are five things you could be doing to make sure that your brand’s searchability is the best it can be. These […]

Print VS Digital, 3 tips to guide your strategy

3 Tips to guide your strategy

Business Marketing Tips - How to Use Social Media as a Customer Support Tool - Association Marketing

(3 min. read) The COVID-19 pandemic didn’t just change the way people work, it also changed how customers connect with businesses. The number of U.S. social media users is expected to increase by more than six million in 2023 to a staggering 308.27 million . Now is the time to focus on creating a customer […]

Business Marketing Tips - Text (SMS) Marketing – Can it Work for your Business?

(2.5 min read) What is it? Text, or Short Message Service (SMS) marketing, is a form of direct marketing that sends apromotional message, offer, news or update directly to a customer via text message on theirmobile device. It is used to increase brand awareness, generate sales, and boost customerengagement. If you can imagine a way to […]

Social Media Resource Roadmap - Business Marketing Tips - Association Communication

(2 min. read) Managing your social media can be complex. Fortunately, there are a ton of resources widely available out there to help you juggle it all. There are tools that help you design your posts, others to streamline your posting schedule across multiple channels, and finally, sites solely dedicated to analyzing the performance metrics […]

Business Marketing Tips - Tips on Outsourcing Social Media - Marketing Strategies for Business

(3 min. read)  Gone are the days of direct mail, flyers and commercials to get your business in front of customers (at least for now). These days, using social media to build a strong brand reputation and connect with your audience is a necessity. Since the platforms are free to register and offer low-cost options […]

Brand Consistency and Social Media - Business Marketing Tips

(2 min. read) Keeping company branding consistent across a wide range of media has always been challenging. With the social media explosion in recent years, keeping your brand consistent across multiple onlineplatforms only increases that challenge. Connecting with an online audience gives your brand a broader reach and can make it a more personalinteraction. Therefore, it […]


(4 min. read) A social media post can be as simple or as complex as you feel it should be for your brand. No matter which platform you use, what your marketing goals are or what your strategy may be, these six tips will help you create a well-designed post. Keep branding consistentIf you haven’t […]

Best Social Media Platforms, Social Media – 5 Top Tips to Selecting the Best Platform

(3 min. read) If you’re looking to attract new customers, increase your business’s market reach, or simply build brand awareness, then an active social media presence must be an essential component of your marketing efforts. According to the Search Engine Journal, 84% of Americans use at least one social media network. Before you dive into the […]

Five Ways to Incorporate Social Media into Your Marketing Plan

According to a recent Pew Research Center’s Social Media Fact Sheet, 72% of U.S adults use at least one social media site. What are you doing to connect your business with existing or potential customers on social media? Whether you’re starting a new business or revamping your marketing plan strategy, including social media is a […]